Taman Negara

1 comments Tuesday, July 5, 2011
The alarm rang at 5:30am. But out of tiredness or laziness, we woke up around 15 minutes later. Then, we had to wait for one another's morning routines, and rush to catch the earliest bus. However, the bus had already departed by the time we arrived. Luckily though, there would be another trip in the next hour. While waiting, Edwin and Keat helped an elderly to carry his bags across the road. Bravo. Haha.
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Pre-Taman Negara: Ampang

0 comments Monday, July 4, 2011
Before going to the National Park in Pahang, we gathered at our friend's house first, for two nights, in Ampang. In the morning, his parents took us for a breakfast. Boy, was I full, because his dad ordered quite a lot. Plus, I don't usually take breakfast. Still, it was a treat, and of course it tasted nice. Haha.

Next, his parents went for work, while he took us to Batu Caves, by LRT and train. My first time there.
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