Melaka, Ipoh, Lumut, Pangkor

Ah, 8 days of travelling to those places. Melaka was the first place we went because it was where we planned to complete our elective project. Besides my group members, there were others who joined along because they were, well, simply bored at home. Haha. We stayed at my friend's house, and it was big, with the classic/antique feel to it. Very classic Melaka-like. We went to the jonker streets, temples, the A Famosa thing, took a boat tour around the Melaka river, ate satay celop, and many more. Fun, especially when there were friends around to enjoy with. Of course, with friends, silly things happen, and we got to laugh. Haha. The night view around the river was amazing; too bad my camera ran out of battery. But it certainly was a nice sight to see. Other than that, we managed to finish the elective project there and then. That's it. No more delaying. What a relief.

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Check out the Gallery.

After about 3 nights, we went to Ipoh. We ate chicken, famous there. Haha. And play my friend's PS2 and watch a few movies, at home. Just relaxing. We also went to the many caves in Ipoh.

Check out the Gallery.

Next, we came to Lumut. After lunch and a brief walk around the Lumut Promenade, we climbed the Bukit Engku Busu. 2 hours up and down. Not bad. A little tiring though. And after the descent, we could only think of cold drinks. Haha. After cooling down a little, we went to the beach at Teluk Batik. We took some dips, and then headed back. For dinner, we had seafood at a restaurant. RM120 for 5 dishes. Crabs, squids, prawns, mantis prawns, and fish. Nice.

Pangkor was waiting for us. After breakfast, we took the earliest ferry. For RM150, we got a single room for the 6 of us. But, I think the room could actually fit more, maybe 10 people. Though there's only 1 toilet available for the room. There were the Dutch fort, the Fu Ling Kong (where there's the Mini Great Wall), the Pangkor gallery, beach, beach and beach. In the evening, we had a dip in the water, by the beach of course (it actually soothed the headache i was having then). Then, we played carry and tumble. Haha. When the sun was about to set, the view was amazing. We actually rushed back to get our cameras; luckily it wasn't far, just a few walks away.

We stayed for 1 night there and was back the following afternoon. Back at Lumut, my dad and I brought my friends to go fishing. Unfortunately, it started raining after a short while. Then, we went for bowling. Halfway through, I started to throw the ball into the drains, because I'm already feeling hungry. Haha. Of course, supper was the next destination. And before we knew it, we were sending them off for their bus back to their home.

Check out the Gallery.


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