End of Ophthalmology posting

3 weeks and the ophthalmology posting has ended. It was definitely a change of air. Having gone through the other postings, I must say it's a rather nice, clean and not-so-stressful posting. All the lecturers and MOs were very good and nice to students. They were very helpful and willing to teach. All in all, the atmosphere was 'nice' (okay, I think I used the word a bit too much, but it really is how I felt about this posting). It just makes me feel compelled to be a part of this environment. Who knows? Maybe. Haha.

So, three weeks for us to learn about the basics. We learnt, and practised looking at the fundus using a direct ophthalmoscope, as well as some other modalities that were used. All the equipment, gadgets, and lenses - they perk my interest. Haha. I wouldn't say things were rushed in this posting, and given how well the posting was organized, we actually had the time and opportunity to study and practice, so that we were able to cover the things that we were supposed to know.

And then there was the Community Eye Service, which in my opinion, was a great programme. Besides helping out the community (by giving some basic eye check), we were also able to practise our skills, especially when it comes to viewing the fundus.

All in all, a great posting!


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