Fishing In The Rain

Yesterday evening, my dad and I went fishing again at the river behind our house. We started quite late in the evening. Not that we didn't want to start earlier, but it had been raining since afternoon, and as soon as it turned to a drizzle, we went out. This time, we used live prawns only, no worms. Nothing disgusting. Haha. 

The river was flowing down, though a while ago, in the afternoon, it was a full tide. Influence from the full moon? The day before, the moon looked quite full, big and bright. On another note, I just learned from Google's search page, that there would be a lunar eclipse on the 15th of June. I'm not sure though which timezone it refers to. 

Anyway, we didn't manage to get a fish. There was a dog at the river bank behind one of the houses there, which kept barking when it saw us. No good, it might scare the fish away. But we did saw glimpses of the fish in the river. The fish made ripples on the surface of the water, in addition to those from the rain. Occasionally, the fish flipped about the surface, showing it's silver body in a swish for a split second. I felt a jerk once on my bait, but that's all for the day. I had to mention though, that there were some rubbish in the river. Plastics, especially. They must have come from the residence along the riverbank. Ain't there a better place for the rubbish to go? 

Apart from the rubbish, the place looked like a mini National Geographic scene of a swamp river. The overhanging tree on the bank stretching over the river, the drizzling rain, the ripples on the water, the birds swooping low over the surface. It was nice, cold and windy too. As the night crawled nearer, mosquitoes began to come out to feast, and the rain was slowly increasing its intensity, so we headed back home.


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